Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Message of Solidarity from OAITH

To the Women’s Housing Takeover:

The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) supports your action to create housing for women and children.

We know that women are often trapped in abusive situations because they can’t find low-income and subsidized housing in Toronto and many other parts of Ontario. We also know they can’t afford to pay market rents and are forced to live ‘hand-to-mouth,’ making unthinkable choices between feeding their children and paying for shelter.

No woman should have to choose between violence and poverty; between a violent home and no home.

After 30 years of work on violence against women, we know that lack of shelter, poverty and violence are violations of women’s fundamental human rights. We know for Aboriginal women, women of colour, women living with disabilities and women marginalized by all forms of oppression, the level and impact of poverty, violence and homelessness will be different and more severe.

Violence against women will not end as long as women face poverty and homelessness. So far, governments at all levels are doing little to help. We are honoured to support the women in the Women’s Housing Takeover who are doing something!

Your action is important and valuable. It sends a positive, hopeful message to all communities of women that they are important and valued and that they deserve better— better support, better housing, better government response.

Our wishes for a very successful action! In solidarity,

Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)